Thoroughly search the house, look and evaluate with the eyes of a true creator. Who said that the world’s architectural masterpieces are always marble, granite and gilding? Don’t follow the path of the classics – create your own masterpiece out of improvised trash and garbage! House Flipper allows you to show your design inclinations and talents, using literally everything that comes to hand.
Don’t forget that the game is still about construction, and not about the destruction of material values. A characteristic feature of House Flipper is that everything here is completely destructible – from the ridge on the roof to the foundation. At your service is an extensive toolkit that would delight any builder: all kinds of picks, sledgehammers, shovels, and other heavy and medium-weight props. You buy dilapidated housing intended for demolition and try to repair everything from the material at hand. To break is not to buildĪs in real life, in House Flipper, creation begins with destruction. Read on and find all the advantages this game can offer.